My Research & Advocacy

My passion for connecting people through the arts and the arts to people has guided my research focus on arts in education, and the meaning of culture to people.  I began my research as an undergraduate, understanding the history of audiences on Broadway.  My graduate research and thesis involved United States education policy, the Arts in Education Federal grant program, and the importance of arts in classrooms.  Post-graduate research has been tied to the small community of Ben Wheeler, Texas, and what the culture in their community means to them.  My research presentations and writing can all be found through the links below. 

CULTURE: What it means to us
Screen Shot 2016-01-30 at 2.52.58 PM
Ben Wheeler Foundation, the University of Bologna, and Americans for the Arts

An advocacy tool created as a collaborative independent research project for illuminating culture’s relative value in our lives.


The Role of Social Networks in Innovations of K-12 Education through the ArtsScreen Shot 2016-01-30 at 2.49.39 PM
University of Bologna Department of Economics/Americans for the Arts 2011
Dr. Cristina Boari (UNIBO) and Narric Rome (Americans for the Arts)

The Arts in Education federal grant program strives to innovate and improve the American secondary and post-secondary education system through the arts, but is falling short of its goal due to the shortcomings of the network supporting these projects, and has subsequently limited the exchange, growth and sustainability of these innovations to rise to a scale that can significantly impact the American education system.


What role can arts education play in enhancing the effectiveness of the American education system?
Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon 2010 Independent Study
Professor David Deming

Policy one-sheet with legislative recommendations focusing on improving national data collection and research in arts education as a measurable and low-cost first step toward increased accountability for arts as a core subject.


Good comes from Good – Arts Bridging California Communities
Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon 2010 Independent Study
Professor David Dombrosky

Policy one-sheet with legislative recommendations regarding inequitable access to cultural resources in rural communities in California compared to metropolitan areas.


On Broadway: Art and Commerce on the Great White Way
51OFEpx5fpL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_UCSD 2001/2003, Steven Adler, Director of Theatre

Provided research assistance on the history and changing demographics of Broadway audiences to Steven Adler, author of On Broadway: Art and Commerce on the Great White Way.